Saturday, 19 April 2014

Lover, Your Pang!

Lover, Your Pang!

The dour of this world,
may never get tamed,
traitors may never feel ashamed.
This situation prolix,
might never get fixed,
hearts might continue to behave,
as walls of bricks,
but never on any day and moment,
you choose to attain lethal fangs,
love until infinity Oh lover,
I know of your pang.

I can't assure you'll find,
upbeat sincerity,
Neither can I convince you,
to trust a fraternity.
But a thing I declare,
with a tight fist,
your purity and passion,
won't be lost in the mist.
Scheme to live such,
your example on walls
they will hang,
love until infinity Oh lover,
I know of your pang.

I will walk you
through this spate,
like a morally attached cognate,
preventing your inner rage,
to befriend the livid hate.
Be like none and be in all,
your spirit, of reverence,
will rise tall.
Many shades of deplore try staining,
the jubilant brightness.
Smile away the defaming slang
and love until infinity oh lover,
I do know...of your pang.
